Sunday, November 25, 2012

[Game] Real Football 2012 / Real Soccer 2012

Note: There is already a Real Football 2013 / Real Soccer 2013 in Google Play. But since the concept of the 2012 version is almost totally different that of 2013 version, and both version are, at press time, still available for download, this post is dedicated to the 2012 version. Review of 2013 version will be up soon.

For some reason best known to Gameloft, they have two seemingly identical free apps on Google Play - Real Football 2012 and Real Soccer 2012. Perhaps Gameloft is afraid that those American do not know what is football and the rest of the world cannot recognise soccer.

Anyway, I am moving on the assumption that both are the same. But for the record, I have, for unknown reasons, downloaded and installed Real Soccer 2012.


For most football gamers, this game is fairly simple. You join a tournament (cup or league) and win it. In keeping with other apps in Google Play however, you have to play in a certain starter tournament to unlock other leagues and cups.

Getting Started

When you enter the game, you will be greeted by David Villa's face.

In a funny way, you start with the biggest football tournament - World Cup. Upon kicking asses in World Cup, you will unlock English League, so on and so forth.

You whole life would be revolving around winning more and more tournaments.


Control in this game can be seen from the following picture:

You get an eight-point directional control, and separate buttons for pass and shoot when attacking. When defending, the pass and shoot will turned in "press" and "tackle".
There are also a few default special moves like step-over etc that you can pull.

The control will take some time to get used to, but is generally acceptable. There are however two major problems with the control:

1) Lag time

During defense, you have to wait for some time before you can use a selected player. By then, your player may not have been at the place you wanted him to be. It pissed me off quite a few times.

2) No header?

Until now, i still can't find the button to head a ball. Everytime i crossed, my player chest the ball down then kicked it goal-wards. Nevermind that i hit "shoot" before the ball even reaches his head.

The funny thing is, your opponent can use header. 

Stamina Points

Like any free apps, quite apart from irritating ads (which is acceptable), there are some built-in money grubbing mechanism.

RF2012's one and only trick is something called stamina. You need stamina to play. Each match costs you 50 stamina points, each stamina point costs you 10 minutes wait, and stamina points will be fully filled up at 100 points.

In short, if you refused to pay, you can play around 2 matches a day.

You may be wondering why the hell Gameloft didn't just allow you to buy the game outright. The answer, i think, lies here - consider its closest competititor, FIFA12. You may make a one-off purchase for FIFA 2012 which costs you $5.18. RF2012, however, will seduce you with its free game status and then seduce you to continuously pay them as long as you need the in-game stamina point.

No, that is not Messi!

One of the reason why you would spend some money and time to download a huge game (or pay for one) is to play your favorite team.

Naturally, that includes having the real-life players of your team in there.

RF2012 however was unable to provide this experience fully.

Unless the team name is the name of a place, they can offer your the name, so Arsenal became London, Manchester United became Manchester Red and Liverpool became Merseysides.

So far as players' names are concerned, they got all the correct names in English Premier League but messed up players' names in other league. I certainly have no idea why. Was it because there is no intellectual property rights for personal name in UK? Beats me.

So your Messi would be, surprise, Sairme!!

Strangely however, when you go into practice mode and use Argentina to practice, you get your Messi.

Final Verdict

Despite the above, i genuinely enjoyed the game. It is not perfect but hey, when do we ever get a perfect game?

If you are not preparing to play this game for a few hours in a trot, you should really consider installing this game. For a free game, this game is awesome.

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