Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[Tool] Pocket (formerly known as Read It Later)

This formerly paid apps (now free) has one and only one function - save your page to be read later. Ladies and gentlemen, enter the Pocket!

It can save pages from apps, browser or from the computer.

The mechanism is simple. For pages from apps and browsers, click "Share" then "Add to Pocket". Voila! Now you can read the page that you have saved anytime anywhere without the need for an internet connection. Perfect for those who will be boarding a flight. Pages that you have saved will come out here:

Apart from that, considering how connected our world has become, this app is, in my opinion, rather redundant.

Having said that, Pocket does its one and only job exceptionally well. Look at the screen capture here:

For demonstration purpose, a page from this blog was saved from the mobile version of blogger. You can see that the page is rendered quite nicely.

One little niggling problem - after you add the page to Pocket, you must open the same page in Pocket to allow it to download the page. In other words, double work. If only Pocket can download the page automatically when you add the page to it.

Be that as it may, as a free app, it does its job well and if you need some offline reading, do get this app! Just remember to open the same page in Pocket to enable the same be downloaded into Pocket.

And as per customary, here is the promotional video:

Monday, October 29, 2012

[Firmware] Malaysian Samsung Galaxy S3 is upgradable to Jelly Bean starting today

(Photo from Android)

If you are a Malaysian owner of Samsung Galaxy S3, good news for you!

Now you can upgrade to Jelly Bean OTA (over the air, vide wifi or data) or vide Kies.

To upgrade OTA, go Setting > About Device > Software Update > Update

Or you can upgrade vide computer using Kies Samsung. You must first download and install Kies on your computer. To download, go here.

File size, for some people, is huge. If you are going OTA, make sure you use wifi.

This is version 4.1.1 so unfortunately there is no Multi View. Let's keep our fingers crossed so that version 4.1.2 will come soon.

Meanwhile, enjoy your Jelly Bean!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Samsung did not copy me - Apple style

UPDATE: The UK court directed Apple to replace the notice with another one. Apple has since done so.

Apple is bringing innovation to the next level.

As required by a UK judge, Apple posted a notice on its website stating that Samsung's tablets did not copy their iPad.

No one would want to do that, but when you are forced to, you must make the most out of it by being ultra innovative.

First of all, this is a screenshot of Apple's UK website where you can find their notice:

Maybe a close-up:

As you can see, the link read "Samsung/Apple UK judgement". It was not "Sammy did not copy Apple".

The innovation did not stop here. 

In the actual notice itself, Apple acknowledged that a UK court has found that Samsung's tablet did not infringe Apple's design. As expected, it went on to highlight that the UK has found that Apple's design was cool but Samsung's was not as cool.

Apple then decided to deliver its sucker punch. The last paragraph of the notice read:

"However, in a case tried in Germany regarding the same patent, the court found that Samsung engaged in unfair competition by copying the iPad design. A U.S. jury also found Samsung guilty of infringing on Apple's design and utility patents, awarding over one billion U.S. dollars in damages to Apple Inc. So while the U.K. court did not find Samsung guilty of infringement, other courts have recognized that in the course of creating its Galaxy tablet, Samsung willfully copied Apple's far more popular iPad."
Yes, while UK court found that Samsung's tablet did not copy Apple's iPad, other courts had found that Samsung, to borrow the word used by Apple, willfully copied Apple's iPad. And the iPad was more popular.

Apple deserves a meme for their innovative notice, and I duly obliged.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

[Game] Plague Inc

Some of us wanted to kill zombies and nail the chicks.

Some of us wanted to drift around tight corners and nail the chicks.

Some of us wanted to slingshot some birds and nail the pigs.

But a minority of us just wanted to infect the whole world with plague and whip human beings off the face of earth.

If you are in the fourth category, I have a game just to cater to your noble mind. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you - Plague Inc

All you need to know

All you need to do is to create a plague, infect everyone, kill them off. Simple? You can't be more wrong.

Before you start the game, I would personally suggest you imagine yourself as the almighty God, who felt that human being have failed you. Now, you want to destroy them, not through natural disaster, but through some illness.

But since you, the awesome God, have given human beings the faculty to think for themselves, human beings will not just lie down and die. You will have to pit your almighty intelligence against the arrogant human beings who now think that they can play God.

Thus begin the tussle between you and the human beings.

On another note, if imagining yourself as the God offends you, why not imagine yourself as a terrorist with a remote control to control your biological weapon?

Game play

The game play is simple. You first chose a country to infect with your pathogen. Your pathogen will initially be weak and useless. You slowly evolve your pathogen to infect more people and kill more people.

But human beings will fight back, and start to create cure. You will have to have a battle of wits with them, outsmart them and stay ahead of them to ensure that your mission of human annihilation will succeed.

So that I don't kill the joy for you, no strategy will be discussed here.


So far, I have not experienced any glitches. The app runs well and smooth, no complaint.


This is not a game where you have a character jumping around. It's a plain old click click read read kind of game. Be that as it may, the graphic here is fitting and excellent. It certainly looks gorgeous on my HD screen.


The dude who did the audio must be given a hand of applause and a few pats on his/her back. The music, sound effects, are eerie enough that you may not want to switch on the sound when you play this game at night. No, no sample here. Go play this game and experience it yourself.

Noteworthy Points

While this seems to be a dead serious game, it does not lack humour. Occasionally you will see message like below:

Winning the Game

And when you this message, you are half way to winning.

And when shits hit the fan, you win!

Final Verdict

This is a must play for all who wanted to be the ultimate badass. Remember, it is fun to be the bad guy. You can't save the world all the time.

And here is the promotional video by the developer.

Welcome to Apps Review Station

Hello readers,

Welcome to Apps Review Station.

Ain't nobody has got time for a long winded welcome page, so to put it very simply, here, we review all sorts of apps found on Google Play, as well as posting interesting news in the mobile world.

For the time being, there will be no review on Apple's App Store.

If you wanted your app to be reviewed or if you want to suggest an app to be reviewed, drop me a mail on
